Open Day: Get to Know Goldsmiths

Last Saturday (23rd of March) Goldsmiths opened their doors to anyone willing to get to know the university before, during, or even after making application decisions and receiving offers of study.

What a hectic day! Hundreds of visitors, both Undergraduate in the morning and Postgraduate in the afternoon, headed to New Cross to chat to enthusiastic academics, departmental leaders, and dedicated students.

We started off with a general Welcome talk for everyone involved. Once you registered in the red-brick Richard Hoggart Building, you would be taken to Whitehead building for a general lecture about Goldsmiths’ course options, fun facts, and stats. Here is where you would learn that Goldsmiths is a long-standing institution established in 1891 and having joined the University of London in 1904. You would get a peak around New Cross through a colourful map locating our campus in relation to famous London landmarks. We have a bit of a remote location, which does justice to student housing and maintenance budgets, while Central London is still right on your doorstep!

Next, you would head to course-specific talks covering planned curricula for the academic year to come. Leading academics for your course would then take you on a tour around key facilities where you will bring your knowledge to life through artwork, business projects, presentations, exhibitions, and conferences. After a short coffee break in the Café 35, you depart on an exciting journey around campus led by our fellow Student Ambassadors. Snap a picture, crack a joke, and ask the silliest questions – we will gladly help with any enquiry you might have during the day :)

Personally, I enjoy participating in Open Days very much. Getting to know wonderful people from various cultural, personal, and educational backgrounds serves as a reminder of what a friendly, welcoming, and creative space Goldsmiths is.

Looking back, I remember visiting an Open Day for the first time – how clueless, nervous and at the same time excited I was to start a brand-new life at university. And here I am now, surrounded by enthusiastic colleagues, chatting away to prospective students like myself back in the day about how happy and passionate I feel about my student life!

 Ready to join us? :)


Breaking the Broke Student Stereotype


Goldsmiths at the EXCEL