UCAS Exeter: The Experience

Over the past couple of days, I took the 3 and a half-hour train trip to Exeter and back to attend the UCAS event in Exeter.

Before attending, I knew very little about Exeter. To be honest, the most I knew was that it housed a beautiful and historic cathedral. As I started the journey, I saw the skylines of London from the train and gradually watched that skyline transition into fields filled with sheep, cows, and many dog walkers.

The main purpose of my journey was to attend the UCAS event on the 12th and 13th of March. This event was for students of all ages, educators, and parents to gain more information on courses, student life, city life, and everything in between when making decisions about where to attend university.

I thought it would be interesting to make note of some of the most frequently asked questions I received from students living in Exeter and the surrounding areas like Dorset, Devon, and Somerset. This will give those reading a better understanding of what to expect when moving to a big city like London.

Where is Goldsmiths University of London?

Goldsmiths is situated in the heart of New Cross in the borough of Lewisham. This is in South East London. Not too far away from places such as Peckham and Greenwich.

What is the ‘Vibe’ like at Goldsmiths?

The vibe at Goldsmiths University of London can be defined as dynamic, progressive, and creative. Goldsmiths has a strong emphasis on diversity, and social engagement, encouraging students to pursue changes that they want to see in the world. Due to being a one-campus university, Goldsmiths has a friendly and social feel about it, everyone is welcome and free to express themselves however they feel.

What financial support is available for students?

Goldsmiths offers various scholarships and bursaries to support students financially. These opportunities aim to assist students in pursuing their academic goals and easing the financial burden associated with higher education. Here are some of the scholarships and bursaries that can be available to you:

  1. Goldsmiths Equity Award: This bursary provide a package of intentional support, designed to help to level the playing field for students of colour.

  2. Goldsmiths Bursaries: These bursaries are designed to support undergraduate students from lower-income backgrounds. Eligibility is based on household income, and the bursaries aim to help cover living costs and other expenses associated with attending university.

  3. International Scholarships: Goldsmiths offers various scholarships specifically for international students, which may cover tuition fees or provide financial assistance for living expenses.

  4. Subject-Specific Scholarships: Some departments or academic programs at Goldsmiths offer scholarships or awards to students based on academic merit or other criteria relevant to the specific field of study.

  5. You can find out more about our wide range of scholarships and bursaries at this link!

How many hours of lectures do students have a week?

This will depend on the course that you choose to do, but on average students are in scheduled learning around 15-20% of the time, this is on average around 5 hours of lectures a week. This can be more depending on the course and the number of optional modules you choose to do. The best way to gain a clearer understanding would be to contact the lecturers of the course you would like to study, or attend an open day and speak to some of our ambassadors.

I don’t think I can finish a post related to Exeter without including a couple of photos of the cathedral.


Open Day: All You Need to Know


Careers Week: Is University Right for Me?