Open Day: All You Need to Know

Open day is one of the best occasions to get to know about the university and your course. Almost all universities will hold multiple open days throughout the year to help potential students and those holding offers get the most information about student life, their courses and support available.

In preparation for the Goldsmiths Open Day on Saturday 23rd March, I have created a little guide on what you can expect to happend during the open day and support on what you can do.

Events on Open day?

On 23rd March, Open Day will begin at:
11am-2pm for Undergraduate
2pm- 5pm for Postgraduate
(Don’t get confused!)

Here is an example of timetable from previous Open Day.

Department Booths

Throughout the day, we have different department booths in the Great Hall, where you can ask course staffs your specific questions about your course. If you miss anything from your course talks or want personal time to talk, please visit them.

Course Talks

We have course talks at different time and at different sites on campus.
It might seem complicated especially for people who never visit us. I would recommend to check your course’s timetable first and see any events such as campus tour can fit in. The course talks are always popular as they allow you to ask the lecturers questions, so definitely arrive early if you want a seat!

Campus Tour

We have multiple buildings across the campus and they are sometimes confusing for students to find where you are trying to go. (I still get lost, to be honest)
If you want to see your course buildings or even maybe in general, I highly recommend you to join a campus tour. Student ambassadors will take you through key facilities and explain how they are used. Are you worried about you may miss this opportunity? Don’t worry, Campus Tours are happening around every 20 minutes and you can join anytime without booking. The tour lasts about 45-60 minutes.
If you have tight schedule or any requests regarding the tour, student ambassadors will try to organise the campus tour as much as possible for you.

Question Booths

Accommodation, Finance, and Career services are everyone’s primary concerns when starting university, so we have question booths for you to come and ask any and all questions you have.
We also have individual booths where you can get help and advice on those during the Open Day.

What you should ask during Open Day

- What is student life like?

It might sound too general to ask how our student life is like. But this is one of the best ways to make you easy to imagine how you would be as a university student. Student ambassadors will be across the campus and you will also meet them on the Campus Tour, please do not hesitate to ask them questions like “How do you spend free time?”, “What is your timetable like?” or “Where is the best place for night out?”.

- Is there any support for students with disabilities?

If you have any disabilities or adjustments required, it is good opportunity to hear how they can help you before you start off your study. Goldsmiths considers the equal opportunity to study for everyone necessary.

- How to apply for accommodation? When can we move into accommodation?

There will be an application form to submit your chosen rooms. From my experience, faster you apply for the dorms, better rooms you might get as desired.

- What careers have alumni gone on to do?

Not only about what you will study, it would be also important to get insights what careers can be a part of your options. It is also a nice idea to visit the Career Booth if you are more interested in.

- Do you offer work placements or overseas study opportunities?

You might wonder if there is any opportunities of work experiences or study abroad programme during degree. They can be offered differently depending on your chosen course, so make sure to ask your course staff about more details.


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